In today’s episode no. 25, Edward Santow, Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner speaks to Reimagining Justice about one of many projects he is
responsible for, namely the Commission’s Human Rights and Technology project.
Whether you know a little or a lot about human rights or artificial intelligence, you will gain something from listening to our conversation about the most extensive consultation into AI and Human Rights anywhere in the world. Ed explains exactly what human rights are and why they should be protected, how technology is both enhancing and detracting from human rights and the best approach to take in regulating emerging technology in the future.
We talked about protecting the rights of the most marginalized people, automated decision making and how to combat bias and something I found particularly fascinating, the tension between the universality of human rights, ubiquitous technology and how differing cultural contexts and historical experiences are shaping the principles that will guide both the development and application of technology.
Ed Santow has been Human Rights Commissioner at the Australian Human Rights Commission since August 2016 and leads the Commission’s work on technology and human rights; refugees and migration; human rights issues affecting LGBTI people; counter-terrorism and national security; freedom of expression; freedom of religion; and implementing the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT).
This episode is brought to you by Lex Narro and Neota Logic.
Lex Narro is an easy to use app available on iOS, Android and web, that provides an effortless way for lawyers to manage, deliver and generate reports of CPD requirements. Subscribe here to make your lawyer life that little bit simpler.
Neota Logic is a leading no-code AI automation platform, providing professionals with a wide range of easy-to-use tools to rapidly build applications that automate any aspect of their services. Recently, Neota released Canvas – which goes a step further by allowing subject matter experts to build applications on their own in minutes without any prior training or programming skills. More about Canvas here.
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- AHRC Human Rights and Technology Project
- Australian Government AI and Ethics principles
- Australian Law Reform Commission Future Program 2020-25
- Lex Narro
- Neota Logic
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